12th Science के बाद क्या करे?

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12th साइंस के बाद क्या करना चाहिए? यदि आप भी ये Article “Courses after 12th Science in Hindi” पढ़ रहे हैं तब जाहिर सी बात है की आपको भी ऐसे ही courses की तलाश है जिसे की आप अपना सकें अपने आगे के Future के लिए।

आज के इस article 12वीं Science के बाद क्या करें ये Courses में आपको वो सभी courses के विषय में जानकारी प्रदान की जाएँगी जिसके विषय में शायद आपको मालूम न हो।

वहीँ ये में दावे के साथ कह सकता हूँ की ऐसी detailed article 12वीं साइंस के बाद के courses के विषय में शायद ही आपको कहीं और प्राप्त होगी. तो फिर बिना देरी किये चलिए शुरू करते हैं सरकारी रिजल्ट

12th Science Ke Baad Kya Kare

वैसे तो 12th Science के बाद आपके सामने बहुत से Courses होते हैं पढने के लिए. लेकिन आप सभी courses तो नहीं पढ़ सकते हैं, बल्कि आपको उन्हें में एक courses को चुनना होगा जिसमें की आपकी रूचि हो और जिसमें आप अपना career बनाने चाहते हो।

12th Science Ke Baad Kya Kare Hindi

इसी कारण मैंने वो सभी courses के बारे में बताया हुआ है जिसके विषय में आपको जानकारी होनी चाहिए. तो फिर चलिए PCM, PCB, PCMB के courses इन हिंदी जानते हैं।

सभी Available Science courses List in हिंदी

वहीँ आपको परेशान होने की कोई जरुरत नहीं क्योकि हम आपके लिए लेकर आए है List of Courses after 12th in Science in Hindi, पूरी डिटेल्स के साथ।

12th साइंस (PCB) करने के बाद क्या करे?

अब जबकि आपने अपनी पढाई 12th Science (PCB) में की हुई है इसलिए आपके सामने बहुत से Career Option मेह्जुद हैं. लेकिन चूँकि आपने Biology ली हुई है अपने 12th Science में इसलिए आपके सामने एक बहुत ही अच्छी choice है की आप Medical की पढाई कर सकते हैं।

वहीँ यदि आपको Medical पसंद नहीं हो तब भी आप बहुत से दुसरे विकल्प try कर सकते हैं. चलिए आपके सामने के सभी विकल्प के बारे में जानते हैं।

  • MBBS
  • BAMS (Ayurvedic)
  • BHMS (Homoeopathy)
  • BUMS (Unani)
  • BDS
  • Bachelor of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry (B.VSc AH)
  • Bachelor of Naturopathy & Yogic Science (BNYS)
  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy
  • Integrated M.Sc
  • B.Sc. Nursing
  • B.Sc. Dairy Technology
  • B.Sc. Home Science
  • Bachelor of Pharmacy
  • Biotechnology
  • BOT (Occupational Therapy)
  • General Nursing
  • BMLT (Medical Lab Technology)
  • Paramedical Courses
  • B.Sc. Degree
  • BA
  • LLB (Bachelor of Law)
  • Education/ Teaching
  • Travel & Tourism Courses
  • Environmental Science
  • Fashion Technology
  • Hotel Management
  • Designing Courses
  • Media/ Journalism Courses
  • Film/ Television Courses
  • CA Program
  • ICWA Program
  • CS Program
  • 12th साइंस (PCM) करने के बाद क्या करे?

    यदि आप भी उन students में से हैं जिन्होंने के अपनी 12th की Science PCM (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) में की हुई हैं, तब ऐसे में आपके Enginnering और Architecture जैसे दो मुख्य career option मेह्जुद हैं।

    वहीँ आप Medical की पढाई अब और नहीं कर सकते हैं क्यूंकि आपने 12th में Biology ही नहीं पढ़ा है. बल्कि उसके स्थान पर Computer Science या IT (Information Technology) पढ़ा होगा।

    तो फिर चलिए जानते हैं की आगे आपके सामने पढने के लिए कौन कौन के Courses मेह्जुद हैं।

    Courses after 12th Science with PCM in Hindi

    चलिए अब जानते हैं की 12वीं में PCM लेने के बाद आप आगे ऐसे कौन से courses को join कर सकते हैं. इससे आपको एक अंदाजा हो जायेगा की आपके सामने वो सभी courses क्या हैं जिनका आप चुनाव कर सकते हैं।

  • Engineering (B.E/ B.Tech)
  • B.Arch
  • Integrated M.Sc
  • BCA
  • B.Com
  • Defence (Navy, Army, Air force)
  • B.Sc. Degree
  • B.Des
  • BA
  • LLB (Bachelor of Law)
  • Education/ Teaching
  • Travel & Tourism Courses
  • Environmental Science
  • Fashion Technology
  • Hotel Management
  • Designing Courses
  • Media/ Journalism Courses
  • Film/ Television Courses
  • CA Program
  • CWA Program
  • 12th साइंस (PCMB) करने के बाद क्या करे?

    अब जबकि आपने 12th Science PCMB से की हुई है इसलिए आपके सामने सबसे जादा Courses के options हैं. मतलब की आप चाहें तो PCB के courses भी पढ़ सकते हैं, वहीँ आप चाहें तो PCM के courses भी पढ़ सकते हैं. तो फिर चलिए इनके विषय में अच्छे तरीके से पढ़ते हैं।


    आप चाहें तो Medical की पढाई कर सकते हैं. जिसके लिए आपको कुछ Medical Entrances देने पड़ सकते हैं।

    B.Sc (Botany, Botany, Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Nursing, Dairy Technology, Home Science, Anthropology, Agriculture, Bio-Technology)

    आप चाहें तो normal B.Sc भी कर सकते हैं. वहीँ यहाँ ऊपर मैंने कुछ ऐसे subjects के विषय में बताया है जिसे की आप चाहें तो ले सकते हैं अपने B.Sc के course में।


    Microbiology एक बहुत ही बड़ी discipline होती है biology की जिसमें आपको Microscopic Organism की function, structure, uses, और उनके existence की विषय में पढाई करते हैं।

    Bio Medical Sciences

    Bio Medical science ज्यादातर focus करता है की कैसे cells, organs और systems function करते हैं एक इंसानी शरीर में; यह एक बहुत ही exciting और dynamic area है जो की काफी relevant होता है इंसानी बिमारियों को समझने के लिए और उसकी treatment करने के लिए।

    Medical Lab technician

    Medical Laboratory Technology एक ऐसा branch होता है medical science की जो की responsible होता है वो सभी laboratory investigations को perform करने के लिए जो की सम्बंधित होते हैं किसी एक रोग के diagnosis, treatment और prevention में।

    Para Medical

    Paramedical courses अक्सर सम्बंधित होते हैं allied healthcare sector के साथ. ये courses काफी useful और job oriented होते हैं. क्यूंकि ये courses directly सम्बंधित होते हैं healthcare के field से।


    Nursing एक ऐसा branch होता है medical science का जो की मुख्य रूप से मरीजों की देखभाल करता है. जहाँ Doctors मरीजों का इलाज करते हैं वहीँ ये nurses उनकी सभी responsibilities का ख्याल रकते हैं. साथ में उन्हें medication देते हैं और emotional support भी।

    Pharmacy (B.Pharma)

    Pharmacists बहुत से range of industries में काम करते हैं जिनके अंतर्गत आते हैं medicine की prescription, manufacture और उनकी provision करना।

    Life sciences

    Life Science एक ऐसा branch होता है science का जो की focus करता है living organisms पर. वहीँ ये एक ऐसी study है जो की Life के improvement के ऊपर काम करती हैम जिससे की वो पर्यावरण की रक्षा कर सकें. Life sciences में आते हैं biology, medicine और बहुत से सम्बंधित subfields।

    12th Science के बाद Diploma Course

    यदि आप जल्द से जल्द अपनी career की शुरुवात करना चाहते हैं. वहीँ आपको ज्यादा लम्बी courses करने की कोई भी इच्छा नहीं है तब आप ऐसे में short term courses का चुनाव कर सकते हैं।

    ऐसे courses में सबसे ज्यादा जो प्रचलित हैं वो हैं Diploma Courses. 12th Science के बाद Diploma Courses अक्सर short term के होते हैं, वहीँ इसमें आपको courses को ज्यादा details में न पढ़ाकर, ज्यादा practical तरीके से पढाई जाती है. इसमें आपको अच्छी job भी मिलती हैं वहीँ आपके लिए future में काफी scope भी होते हैं।

    अब चलिए उन सभी diploma courses के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त करते हैं जो की आप 12th Science के बाद कर सकते हैं।

  • Diploma in Beauty Culture & Hair Dressing
  • Computer Hardware
  • Fashion Designing – DFD
  • Dress Designing – DDD
  • Drawing and Painting
  • Cutting and Tailoring
  • Web Designing
  • Graphic Designing
  • Information Technology
  • Application Software Development – DASD
  • Textile Designing – DTD
  • Hospital & Health Care Management
  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Film Arts & A/V Editing
  • Animation and Multimedia
  • Print Media Journalism & Communications
  • Film Making & Digital Video Production
  • Mass Communication
  • Mass Media and Creative Writing
  • Animation Film Making
  • Air Hostess
  • Air Crew
  • Event Management
  • Foreign Language Courses
  • आज आपने क्या सीखा

    मुझे उम्मीद है की आपको मेरी यह लेख 12th साइंस के बाद क्या करे (Courses after 12th Science in Hindi) जरुर पसंद आई होगी. मेरी हमेशा से यही कोशिश रहती है की readers को 12th में Science पढने के बाद क्या करें के विषय में पूरी जानकारी प्रदान की जाये जिससे उन्हें किसी दुसरे sites या internet में उस article के सन्दर्भ में खोजने की जरुरत ही नहीं है. इससे उनकी समय की बचत भी होगी और एक ही जगह में उन्हें सभी information भी मिल जायेंगे।

    यदि आपके मन में इस article को लेकर कोई भी doubts हैं या आप चाहते हैं की इसमें कुछ सुधार होनी चाहिए तब इसके लिए आप नीच comments लिख सकते हैं।

    यदि आपको यह post 12th ke baad kya kare Science student पसंद आया या कुछ सीखने को मिला तब कृपया इस पोस्ट को Social Networks जैसे कि Facebook, Twitter और दुसरे Social media sites share कीजिये।

    Leave a Comment

    Comments (59)

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    4. I am studying in Quantum University which does not only have a good educational background but which provides me more than that and develops me as a whole. This university helps you in developing your personality and makes you get ready to face the world. From curriculum activities to infrastructure and faculties everything is here a student looks for. When you are on a search for a college/ University the most important aspect are the army of faculties a University has and I am happy to tell that Quantum University has a very supportive faculties and admin staff. They are very knowledgeable, helpful mentors one can get, apart from that infrastructure and placement are also quite decent.

    5. Hello i am Sumit i have done my graduation B.com(hons) from Quantum university. Quantum university situated in Roorkee uttarakhand is one of the most prestigious and reputed university in uttarakhand who provide best education with affordable fees.Quantum university also provide good scholarship through your 12th % or by Q care scholarship exam conduct by university every year.The placements rate of this university is also above 90% and 200+companies visit the campus every year.The hostel facility of this university is very nice and affordable as compare to other university in uttarakhand. The Quantum university also provide passion program in which student can participate in sports and hobbies courses also without any extra fees.

    6. This university is one of the best in all over Uttarakhand. It has an state of art facilities in all the departments with modern and latest gadgets for use of the students. My brother is pursuing his studies in MBA and is quite interesting to know with the fact that even he has made up his mind to place his children here. Really commendable. My congratulations to the entire management and the distinguished faculties for their seamless efforts to keep up the name.

    7. After completing 12th board exam I was seeking for a good college and I got my admission here at Quantum University. Now I really appreciate my decision and have no regret that I came here. The place where the University is located is really peaceful. The greenery of the campus and the pollution free environment keeps my mind fresh. The behavior of the faculties is very good.

    8. I am studying in Quantum University which does not only have a good educational background but which provides me more than that and develops me as a whole. This university helps you in developing your personality and makes you get ready to face the world. From curriculum activities to infrastructure and faculties everything is here a student looks for. When you are on a search for a college/ University the most important aspect are the army of faculties a University has and I am happy to tell that Quantum University has a very supportive faculties and admin staff. They are very knowledgeable, helpful mentors one can get, apart from that infrastructure and placement are also quite decent.

    9. Hello Guys! I have completed my BCA from Quantum University Roorkee , Uttarakhand . Any stream student can do BCA from Quantum University you should have atlease 50% in you 12th . After then if you don’t have math background there will be a 3 month bridge course to cover up the missed syllabus everything will be explained from the very deep base so you will not find any difficulty in future . I got scholarship also on the basis of my percentage in 12th . The faculty here is very intelligent and helpful , we also get support from our seniors . All in all the University is located at very beautiful place and Students can follow their passion without giving up their dreams. Quantum University has ranked among the top leading universities of Uttarakhand .

    10. I spent my 3 years at Quantum University and it was an amazing experience. I’m sharing my views on the basis of my own experience. The University is good choice for your BA Economics program. College get good education and a diverse culture which is helpful for personality development as well and faculties are so well trained and experienced

    11. Quantum University’s MCA program is a top choice among technology students. The program is designed to be industry-relevant, with a strong focus on practical training. Students learn about the latest technologies and trends in the IT industry.

    12. Quantum University provides you opportunities to enhance your knowledge and skills for bright future. The teachers are so supportive and provide insight to the students. I’ve enjoyed my whole experience at Quantum University and I’ll treasure it forever. I truly just like the campus and I am exceptionally glad to be part of the Quantum University family.

    13. After science as a subject one can opt for BA (hons.)Psychology. This particular course is gaining popularity in recent times, and now there are wide variety of career options are available in this course.BA Psychology subjects deals with the study of health, human development, personality, social conduct, etc.BA Psychology is a 3-year full-time undergraduate degree that covers the study of the mind and behaviours.I have completed BA(Hons.)Psychology from Quantum University Roorkee all i can say its one of the best colleges in the North India which provides quality education , has good infrastructure and affordable fees too.it provides interdisplinary education which promotes overall growth of the student

    14. Quantum University gives you a way to find your real talent and take it to the higher level. I had a great experience while pursuing BA English. The faculty is so knowledgeable and the activities are fun. I have been placed at Aptara Corp at a nice salary package.

    15. I am studying in Quantum University which does not only have a good educational background but which provides me more than that and develops me as a whole. This university helps you in developing your personality and makes you get ready to face the world. From curriculum activities to infrastructure and faculties everything is here a student looks for. When you are on a search for a college/ University the most important aspect are the army of faculties a University has and I am happy to tell that Quantum University has a very supportive faculties and admin staff. They are very knowledgeable, helpful mentors one can get, apart from that infrastructure and placement are also quite decent.

    16. I am studying at Quantum university,which does not only have a good educational background but which provides me more than that and develops me as a whole. Quantum university provides good educational experience and also focus to develop an overall personality

    17. Maine 12th pcb kiye ab mai ky kru kuch smjh nhi aa rha maine neet ka ya aur koi form bhi nhi bhara, h mujhe kuch aisa chiye jisse turnt job mil jaye..

    18. Sir maine 12th PCB se kiya h to mujhe konsa course karna chahiye jisme mai apna future acha bana saku please sir jldi reply dijiye .

    19. Helo sir maine 12th pcm 56./. Se 2021 me pass Kiya hoon and ab 2022 se read karna chahta hoon kya mai padhai kar sakta hoon

    20. Sir mai ye puchna chahti hu, maine 12th paas pcm se kiya hai, to kya mai nurse ban sakti hun, plz jald reply kare..

    21. Thanks for this. This is very useful tips.thank you so much for your suggestions.Very good content for students, keep sharing and to know more click best engineering college in navi mumbai

    22. People are older than me , people say that what to do after 12 is to do it, but I got good knowledge form your information . thankyou so u much sir for every information .

      • Software engineer banne ke liye ye jruri hai ki apka class 12th ke board exam me physics, chemistry and maths hona chahiye, isiliye aap pcm hi lena.
        All the best for your future

    23. Hello sir, maine 10th Badh iti electrician 2yr course kiya hai.. mai mahavitaran me apprenticeship krna chahta hu bahut try kiya but kuch nahi hua nirasha… family bahut pressure bhi tha to maine 11th 12th sci pcmb kiya__(inn 2yr mebhi mene bahut aply kiy the)// ab mai 12th pass hu/iti ele pass hu ab mai kya kru kuch samaj nhi arha…ab12th ke badh course krna age ki drbad se bs…
      …. please muje btay kya krna sahi rahega mere liy? (my age 22//ssc73/hsc59/iti70)

    24. Hello i’ m Sanjay Ray sir Mera 12(pcb) me 65.4 parsent hai sir may age computer ki padhai karana chahta hu to may age may Kya karu please tell me

      • medical field me jane ke liye jruri hai ki class 12th me bio hona chahiye lekin apka maths tha, phir bhi aap presan n ho , aap maths hone k bad bhi b.pharma kar k medical field me ja sakte hai..

    25. Sir mane 12th mera pcb science tha per muze drawing me interest he muze 12th ke baad kay may bachorl of fine arts kar sakata hu kay

    26. Sir maine PCB se 12th kiya h pr mai computer ke field me jana chahti hu
      Eske liye koi suggestion dijiye please sir
      I need your help

    27. 12th mein 42.3%PCB hii or C and P mai grace hii

      Mujhe konsa cours mil sakta haii ya mai kar sakta hu science field me
      Please tell me fast…

    28. Sir maine bsc bio se first year clear kr li but m uske bad bimar ho gya 4-5 sal bad shi huaa hu kya m ab second year kr skta hu

    29. Sir me doctor banna chahta hu lekin problam ye ki maine 11th PCB se kiya lekin school balo ne bina bataye 12th me drawing kar diya ab samjh nhi aa rha h kya kru maine padhai to PCB se hi ki hab aage kaise kya kru sir pls

      • Ji Savrav ji aap ja sakte hain, lekin aapko coding mein achh gyaan aur algorithm mein achha marks lana hoga software engineer banne ke liye.
